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Zimbabwe (September 2006)

John, Joshua & Roger enjoy a game of cricket at Tim & Susan's lovely houseMisha proudly displays a bullfrog she caughtEnjoying a sunny morning at Grandpere's houseThe children all dressed up for Dan & Caroline's weddingPete (Tim's African Grey) enjoys a head scratch

Some zebra at Ballyvaughan game parkA giraffe strolling by at BallyvaughanReprise from the heat at Mwanga lodgeThe beat of drums calls the lunch guestsJoshua all kitted out for the canoe tripIt wouldn't be complete without an Elephant ride!One of the lions at the animal orphanageMisha quenches her thirst at MatopasJoshua and Misha being explorers at MatopasMisha at the rock paintings at MatopasTrekking in the heat - Matopas again...Some of the splendorous Msasa trees found all over Zimbabwe

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